What Vitamin C Can Really Do for You

L-ascorbic acid is one of the most popular ingredients in skincare because it has so many amazing benefits for your skin that it's hard to name them all. You might be wondering what l-ascorbic acid even is. Simply put, it's the purest form of Vitamin C. So then what's so great about Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is an important nutrient that helps form blood vessels, cartilage, muscle, and collagen in your body. It's also a powerful antioxidant that works to protect your skin from free radical damage and environmental aggressors.

A severe lack of Vitamin C is known as scurvy (which you've most likely heard of). This specific diagnosis is based on symptoms that can cause dental problems, bruising, anemia, and dry hair or skin.

It's important to make sure you're getting enough Vitamin C in your daily diet, and it can also be extremely beneficial to include it in your daily skincare routine.

Why Should I Include Vitamin C in My Skincare Routine?

Vitamin C Serums are flying off the shelf. Why? They work. Vitamin C can help with many different skin concerns anywhere from acne to fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin C works to:

  • fight acne
  • brighten skin
  • moisturize and hydrate skin
  • prevent sun damage
  • reduce the appearance of dark spots
  • nourish and smooth rough skin
  • reduce inflammation
  • help wound healing
  • promote collagen production
  • reduce hyperpigmentation
  • prevent sagging
  • prevent premature aging
  • reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

If I Use Vitamin C, Do I Need to Stop Using Other Products?

The best part about Vitamin C is that it's safe for most skin types. It has been known to cause minor skin irritation in concentrations above 20%.

Vitamin C can be used with other active ingredients, but there are definitely ingredients you should not use when using a Vitamin C product:

Benzoyl peroxide is something that can be used for reducing mild to moderate acne. However, using Vitamin C and benzoyl peroxide together will actually make the two counteract one another, and you won't receive any of their benefits.

Retinol is another one of the top anti-aging ingredients used in skincare, but combining it with Vitamin C can cause irritation and inflammation.

If you do want to use a Vitamin C product and a product that contains retinol, use your Vitamin C product in the morning and the other product at night to avoid damaging your skin.

Niacinamide is an ingredient that can help promote healthy skin just like Vitamin C. However, using it in conjunction with Vitamin C will work similarly to benzoyl peroxide where both ingredients cancel one another out. It can also sometimes cause redness and trigger acne.

Make sure to use products that will work well together and enhance your skin, not damage it.

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