7 Ways to Celebrate the End of Summer
School bells are ringing, buses are coming around the corner, and summer is officially ending. While it’s sad to see the summer winding down, it’s important to take advantage of the final days of summer and finish it on a high note.
We are sharing some great suggestions to make sure that you’re soaking up the last bit of the summer sun and leaving you and your family with great memories to bring into the fall.
Take Summer to the Water
One of the most memorable activities of summer is cooling off by having some fun with water. Taking a fun trip to the ocean, lake, or pool is always a day well spent in the sun. If that’s something that is a little out of reach, there is still so much fun that can be had in your backyard. Water balloon fights, slipe n’ slides, and sprinklers are a great way to beat the heat with tons of laughs.
Eat Ice Cream Everyday
Okay, maybe not every single day… well, at least not after every meal. Ice cream is a summer staple, and it’s not quite as refreshing or delicious when it’s freezing outside. Sure, it’s not the healthiest thing on this list, but summers are meant for bending the rules and eating extra ice cream.
Stay Up Later
Summer means having new adventures and staying up past you and your kid’s bedtime. It’s the last couple of days to break the rules and stay out and up a little later. Have a late-night adventure or stay up and have a movie marathon full of snacks and popcorn.
Abandon the Kitchen Table
Pretty soon, you’ll be stuck inside with chilly temperatures and bad weather. Instead of spending another night in the kitchen, take your dinner outside. Pack a little picnic in your backyard, or take a little adventure to a local park. It’s something simple like this that will make for some great memories.
Make S’mores
S’mores are another must-do summer staple, and kids and adults all love them the same. A great summer memory is having a late-night bonfire and roasting marshmallows, and making s’mores. If there isn’t a fire pit in your backyard, no worries, you can go to a park with barbeques or roast them over the stove.
Have an End of Summer BBQ
BBQs are such a fun part of summer. There’s nothing quite like smelling all the aroma cooking while friends and family are watching the kids run around. It’s a great way to bring everyone together and get ready for fall to start.
Have a Family Game Night
Once things are back to normal, and the kids are back to school, and schedules are running full time, it’s hard to enjoy as much family time. Make a point to have an evening to spend playing some of your family’s favorite games and enjoy the calm before the back-to-school storm.
Share with us if you have any more End of Summer Traditions that you love to do with friends and family.
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